Unlock Mentor Trading Mastery!


Ready to go from being a good trader to being a master?

Mentor Trading Mastery is back for March 2025 - and you're first in line. New to the course? Here's how it works. Over 3 days of digital training, I'm going to dive into the 10 action steps that will improve your trading.

By the end, you're going to understand exactly what motivates you as a trader, where you're currently going wrong - and how to fix it. Ready to master your mindset, start managing the risks you're taking, and build a real system for success? Register now, and save $800 with your exclusive discount!

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Over 3 days of live digital training, I'm going to break down the 10 action steps to make you a vastly better trader. Mindset, strategy, management, development - everything you need to master your trading.


Mentor Trading Mastery isn't just about the training. When you sign up, you get:

  • 1 Month Access to TradeTrak (advanced trade tracking)

  • 1 Month Access to Stock Watch (my personal picks)

  • A $500 Coupon for any Future Course


This isn't for everyone. Seats for Mentor Trading Mastery are strictly limited. Why? Simple - this is about your growth as a trader, not about selling to the mass market.

Mentor Trading Mastery Reviews

"Dan Fitzpatrick presents stock market analysis and a psychological approach to trading that is on par with the likes of James Livermore, Jim Roppel and Mark Minervini." - Michael A.

"I can only echo everyone else's Kudos! Awesome 4 days and Thanks Dan, Andy, and Scott!" - John N.

"I wanted to thank Dan for providing me the opportunity to become a better trader and helping others learn from his technical wisdom." - Pat G.

"I really feel like I'm almost relearning how to trade (which is good because I didn't really follow a set process before.)" - Tina S.

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